Monday, August 31, 2009

Time Management for Stay at Home Moms.

When Charles M. Schwab was president of Bethlehem Steel he confronted Ivy Lee, a management consultant, with an unusual challenge: “show me a way to get more things done,” he demanded. “If it works, I’ll pay anything with reason.” Lee handed Schwab a piece of paper. “Write down the things you have to do tomorrow,” he said. Schwab did it. “The first thing tomorrow morning,” Lee instructed, “start working on number one and stay with it until it is completed. Next take number two and don’t go any further until it is completed. Then proceed to number three, and so on. If you can’t complete everything on schedule, don’t worry. At least you will have taken care of the most important things before getting distracted by items of lesser consequence.

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“The secret is to do this daily,” continued Lee. “Evaluate the relative importance of the things you have to get done, establish priorities, record your plan of action and stick to it. Do this every working day. After you have convinced yourself of the value of this system, have your men try it. Test it as long as you like. Then send me a check for whatever you think the idea is worth.” In a few weeks Charles Schwab sent Ivy Lee a check for twenty-five thousand dollars. Schwab later said that this lesson was the most profitable one he had ever learned in his business career.

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If it works for a steel factory, it will work in you house factory. This plan is your for the taking. Free! You’ll have more time, you’ll accomplish much more, and you’ll be available for your husband. If your husband came home in the next ten minutes, what would he see? Look around right now. Are the cabinet doors open? Are there toys strewn from one end of the house to the other? Are there dirty dishes still in the sink and a vacuum cleaner in the living room? Don’t despair. Here’s how you can have it looking fit for a king and keep it that way, with precious time left over just for you.

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