Monday, August 31, 2009

Your Husband is Your Friend, Accept Him.

A man needs to be accepted as he is, just exactly as he is. This kind of all-out acceptance convinces him you really love him. His need for total acceptance isn’t so strange; I need to feel accepted too. Don’t you? Doesn’t everyone? You don’t marry a man with intention of changing him. It won’t work.

Nagging is the opposite of accepting. If you have the habit, you know it’s a hard one to kick. Nip it in the bud by admitting verbally what you’re doing. You’ll find that once you accept your husband, you’ll no longer need to nag. Just that thought alone may send him into ecstasy! One wife who kicked the habit after eighteen years reported, “The most amazing thing has happened. His faults really don’t bother me. They’re not my concern now. I just concentrate on his good points and I love him so much more than I ever did before.” Acceptance is The Answer

Your husband is what he is. Accept him as that. This principle is as old as life itself. God accepts us as we are. Even though we don’t deserve it, he still loves us. He has no angle. His love is unconditional. Because He accepts us, through His power we can love and accept others, including our husbands.

First of all, the Bible says that wives should love their husbands. If you’ve lost the love for your husband, why not ask God to restore it? Secondly, if you want your marriage to succeed, you must choose to accept him, knowing that your relationship will probably not improve if you don’t. The choice is yours-you can choose to either go on living with resentment or accept your husband.

Some women don’t nag verbally, but their non accepting vibrations communicate loud and clear. With heaving sighs over the kitchen sink, the martyr silently nurses her woes. “I do accept my husband,” she thinks. “I’ve been putting up with his faults for years without saying a word, but he’ll never change. I won’t say anything. I’ll just carry on for the sake of the children.” GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!

Tolerance is not acceptance. Your tolerance only makes your husband feel incomplete and unworthy. He can sense when he’s not being accepted, and is not able to love you fully. Your husband needs your acceptance most of all during his times of apparent failure. If he’s already low, don’t put him down further. Never compare him with another man. And remember, he’ll never confide in you if he feels that you are being critical or are trying to change him. Life is too short to dwell on another’s weaknesses. Concentrate on his strengths.

Your man needs to feel important, loved, and accepted. If you won’t accept his idiosyncrasies, who will? A wise woman caters to her man’s special quirks, whether it is in salads, sex, or sports. She makes his home his haven, a place to which he can run. She allows him that priceless luxury of unqualified acceptance.

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